When did we start going by these names? Krazy, Someguyonatree, Lers, LowPrices, the list goes on for me. The first name that came to my head in 2004 was Krazykiller. I am not sure why, but it really just seemed appropriate for a black bull creature with a shotgun and a pet raptor. Ever since then, it’s remained a household name, clearly.
There are some names that have stuck with me for years – it always was a mark of a good sense of humor to me. It’s always entertaining when you can begin a real dialogue with someone just through laughter and jokes. Names like, ASteamingPile, OJ Allegedly, Noodleman, Kan’tTieMyShoes, BlackBeanSoup and so many more have stuck and led to legitimate friendships.
Is it a psychological thing? Is there some deep meaning to these names? No, definitely not. It is more often a teenager trying to make their friends laugh. What’s great now is so many names have been taken just because GamerTags and account names have been around for well over 12 years at this point. I’ve had Someguyonatree on lock since ’03 in Diablo 2. There are people crying that they can’t have that great name. Well too bad, you can’t have it. Try XXsomeguyTreezXX if you’re lucky.
Having an alter ego, avatar, whatever you want to call it is part of the reason we can get so immersed into games. As Randy Marsh in South Park said, “In the outside world I am a simple geologist, but in here…I am Falcorn, defender of the alliance.” That’s fucking awesome. Andy cannot tame raptors or shoot laser beams. But Krazykiller sure as hell can. The only thing Andy can do is file his taxes incorrectly two years in a row. Our gamer names give us the chance to live out our lives as something more than some dude. There is no better feeling in the world than immersing yourself as someone else for a change.
VintageGamersClub speaks to me for this reason and so many others. Gaming has always been about fun and laughter for me, not climbing the boards and banging noobs’ moms. It was just too much work travelling to all these mom’s houses. I’ve never been one to rage or call someone names – that totally ruins the vibe and kills gaming communities, well for me at least.
Hi I’m Andy and I love calling out funny names in game lobbies, among other things. You’ll see me with various different names like the ones above. My go-to-games for years have been World of Warcraft, Halo, Super Smash Bros and the most recent games I’ve been jamming have been Doom Eternal, Animal Crossing and Gears 5.